IBM Books

Nways Manager for HP-UX Version 2.0 Installation Guide

Installing Nways Manager for HP-UX

Note:Before beginning the installation process, make sure that you have access to the installation key code that is located in the liner notes of the CD-ROM jewel case.

To install Nways Manager for HP-UX Version 2.0, follow these steps:

  1. Log in as the root user.

  2. Make sure that you have stopped all the HP-OV daemons.

    If you have previously installed Nways Remote Monitor, you must also stop the following processes:


    and delete these files:



  3. Insert the IBM Nways Manager for HP-UX Version 2.0 CD-ROM into the CD-ROM drive.

  4. Using the following procedure, mount the CD-ROM to the mount directory:

    1. Use the following command to start the pfsd_mount daemon:

      /usr/sbin/pfs_mountd &

    2. Use the following command to start the pfsd daemon:

      /usr/sbin/pfsd &

    3. Edit the file /etc/pfs_fstab to include the following line:

      device_name mount_point pfs-iso9660 ro,suid 0 0

      For example:

      /dev/dsk/c1t2d0/cdrom pfs-iso9660 ro,suid 0 0

    4. Use the following command to mount the CD:

      /usr/sbin/pfs_mount -t iso9660 -x no_version device_name/mount_point

      For example:

      /usr/sbins/pfs_mount -t iso9660 -x no_version /dev/dsk/clt2d0 /cdrom

    5. Use the following command to find the device name for your CD-ROM drive:

      /usr/sbin/ioscan -fn -C disk

  5. Run the shell script to start the installation program by entering the command:


    The Welcome window for the installation program is displayed.

  6. Follow the instruction prompts in the installation program to select and install Nways Manager for HP-UX Version 2.0.

  7. If you are installing the "demonstration" version of this product, the part numbers of the components you installed are displayed when the installation is complete.
Important:Before you can remove a CD-ROM from the CD-ROM drive, you must first unmount the file system. To do so, enter the following command:

/usr/sbin/pfs_umount /cdrom

Installing and Using Acrobat Reader 3.0

Acrobat Reader 3.0 is provided on the CD-ROM. To install it:

  1. Untar file aixreader.tar located in /cdrom/acrobat using the following command:
    tar -xvf ar302hp_tar

  2. Uncompress the resulting file.

  3. Type INSTALL and follow the procedure.

  4. When prompted, enter the Installation directory. By default it is

  5. Update your .profile with the Acrobat Reader installation directory:
    export PATH=$PATH:/usr/lpp/Acrobat3/bin

To start Acrobat Reader 3.0 enter acroread then select the directory where the documentation you are looking for is stored.

Managing Licenses

If this is the first time you have installed Nways Manager for HP-UX Version 2.0, you will see the License panel that allows you to register your licensed products or elect to use a demonstration version of the installed Nways Manager components:

If you are installing the Element Management component or the Nways Manager Suite of components, you will be asked to select what version of these components you want to install and enter the number of nodes for which you have purchased a license.

If you have already installed some parts of the Element Manager component or the Nways Manager Suite, and have installed the correct license key, the installation program will complete automatically.

If you have not already installed an applicable license key, you will be taken to the License panel to install the key and complete installation.

Upgrading Your License

If you have purchased a license that allows you to upgrade from a demonstration version of a Nways Manager component, simply run the installation program again, select the component, and enter your customer number and license key number when prompted in the License panel.

This will install the license key, register the product, and save any of the accumulated data.

Increasing the Number of Licensed Nodes

If you have purchased a license allowing you to manage additional nodes using Nways Element Manager, use the following commands to update the node-count associated with your product release:

Determining What Nodes to Monitor

Nways Manager determines what nodes to monitor by the contents of the file nwaysjma.ini. To remove nodes that you do not want to monitor and thus increase the number of other nodes you can monitor with your current license, you can edit this file and remove their entries.

To add nodes that you do want to monitor, edit the file and create entries for them. To do this, you must know their SYSOID.

A copy of this file is created when Nways Manager is installed and named original.nwaysjma.ini. To revert to your original configuration, rename this file nwaysjma.ini.

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